What is Testamentsforvaring?
Testamentsforvaring, in English, is Will Management. This feature is built to be able to manage your client's Will from initial receival, storage handling, until it is required to take out to either update or in the event of the clients death.
When this Module is set up for you, we will create the following in LEX.
Case Fields
- Testamentsexekutor (Will Executor)
- Check Box Field
- Egna onskemal tf (Own wishes)
- Check Box Field
- Egna önskemål om utskick vid dödsfall (Own wishes about dispatch in case of death)
- Text Box Field
- Testamentsexekutor (Will Executor)
Client Fields
- Avlidendatum (Death Date)
- Date Field
- Avlidendatum (Death Date)
User Experience Levels
- Fabriken
Case Type (Practice Area)
- Testamentsforvaring
Click on the headers below to expand its contents.
Explaining User Rights & Roles
The following Users are important when Testamentsforvaring cases are created and are defined below.
These are Users with 'Administrators'-right set in Control Panel >Manage Users.-
- Can perform all actions, including Removing States or Delete Testament Value Item entirely
- Can create new Testamentsforvaring cases
These are Users who are either Case Managers, Users with the 'Assistant'-right, or Users with 'Partner'-role.-
- Can create new Testamentsforvaring cases
- KTC (User Experience Level)
- Fabriken (User Experience Level)
Use the above as a reference when reading the rest of this article and its sections when any of the above Users are referenced.
Explaining Value Item Testament
This section will go through the different aspects of a Value Item Testament.
What you may see of a Value Item Testament would look something like this.
There are different sections are as follows;
- Details
- Action Buttons
- History
The Details of a Value Item Testament is shown on the top part of the Value Item Testament.
This part shows you the basic information of the Value Item Testament which can be edited.
On the top right, will show the latest Action for this particular Value Item Testament.
The Action Buttons (can also be called States) which are actions performed when handling a Value Item Testament by the different types of Users outlined in the previous section.
The Action Buttons are in order. This will be explained in the X section for more details.
The History of a Value Item Testament is shown at the bottom part of the Value Item Testament.
This part shows you the History of the Value Item, which is when an Action is performed. This will display the latest Action at the bottom of the list, the date, the action, by who, and a comment (if any).
Accessing Testamentsforvaring Cases
By default, all Users can access any Testamentsforvaring case where the Case Type (Practice Area) is Testamentsforvaring that are within their own Business Unit(s).
- If the case belongs to another Business Unit, and the User is not part of the same Business Unit and is a Case Participant, they will have access to that Testamentsforvaring case.
- If the case belongs to another Business Unit, and the User is not part of the same Business Unit and is not a Case Participant, will not have access to that Testamentsforvaring case.
The only exception to the above is that Fabriken Users have access to all Testamentsforvaring cases regardless of which Business Unit they belong to.
Note: even if the Testamentsforvaring case is set as Confidential, as long as the Case Type (Practice Area), all Users will still have access to the case.
Creating a Testament Automatically
To automatically create a Testament Value Item, you must create a new Case with Case Type (Practice Area) with Testamentsforvaring selected.
To do this, go to the Create Case Dialogue, enter all the details necessary, but ensure that the Case Type (Practice Area) is selected as Testamentsforvaring.
Search for Testamentsforvaring, and select it.
Once selected, it will look like this.
Once you have created the Case, clicking into the Case will take you straight into the Valuables-view, where you will see the new Testament Value Item in "NEW"-state.
Note: when a Value Item Testament is created automatically, the Date will always be selected as "today's date".
If you wish to have this on a date in the past, you will need to delete the Value Item Testament, and re-add it and selecting the correct date.
Changing a Case Type to Testamentsforvaring
If you have already created a Case but want to have it as a Testamentsforvaring case instead, you must change the Case Type (Practice Area) to Testamentsforvaring.
To do this, go to the Case Card, Details-view, under Practice Area.
Change the Case Type (Practice Area) to Testamentsforvaring.
Search or find Testamentsforvaring, and click on it.
Refresh the page (F5), and go to the Valuables-view.
From here, you will need to add a Value Item Testament. Please see the next section on how to add this.
Adding a Testament
To add a Value Item Testament, go to the Case Card, Valuables-view.
Then click on Add Valuables.
The following dialogue will appear, where you can enter Details of the Value Item Testament.
From here, you can add the following information as required.
This will preselect Testament for you.
By default, will have Testament. This can be edited as required with any custom text.
Storage (Optional)
Here you can add a free-text to add where it is stored.
Note: adding custom free-text will allow you to select the same Storage option for Testament Value Items on future cases.
Value (Optional)
Enter the value of the Value Item being stored.
Select the currency the value is related to.
Received by
By default, this will always preselect yourself. You can select another User where applicable.
Note: you can only search for Users registered in LEX.
Received date
Select the date of which you received the Value Item.
Note: this will by default pre-select "today's date". You can select a date in the past, if you wish, but not a date in the future.
Received from (Optional)
Search and select a User or any Person Entity that exist in LEX.
Enter a note here, if applicable.
Note: while you are able to add multiple lines. This will not be shown as having multiple lines in when viewed after adding. See screenshots further down for examples.
Once you have entered the information required, click on Add.
Once added, you will get a confirmation that it was Saved Successfully, at the top.
Then, you will be able to see the Value Item Testament, as below.
If you have added a Note, it will show underneath the Description.
If you have added multiple lines in the Notes, this will show it as if it is added as a single line/sentence.
Editing Details of a Testament
The Users who can edit a Value Item Testament are as follows.
- Administrators
- Lawyers
- KTC Users
If you want to edit the information of a Value Item Testament, go to the Case Card, Valuables-view, and either click on the Value Item itself, or click the 'Pencil'-icon to edit.
Clicking on the Testament Value Item
Clicking on the 'Pencil'-icon.
Once you have opened the Edit Dialogue, you can start editing the information as below.
This will preselect Testament for you.
By default, will have Testament. This can be edited as required with any custom text.
Storage (Optional)
Here you can add a free-text to add where it is stored.
Note: adding custom free-text will allow you to select the same Storage option for Testament Value Items on future cases.
Value (Optional)
Enter the value of the Value Item being stored.
Select the currency the value is related to.
Received by
You are unable to edit this field. If you wish to edit, you will need to delete the Value Item Testament and create a new one with the correct selected User.
Received date
You are unable to edit this field. If you wish to edit, you will need to delete the Value Item Testament and create a new one with the correct date.
Received from (Optional)
Search and select a User or any Person Entity that exist in LEX.
Enter a note here, if applicable.
Once you are done editing, click Update.
Deleting a Testament
To delete a Value Item Testament, you must be a User with 'Administrator'-rights.
To delete a Value Item Testament, go to the Case Card, Valuables-view.
Then click on the 'Delete'-button on the right.
A dialogue will appear to confirm the deletion. Click on Delete.
You will receive a confirmation that it was Deleted Successfully at the top of the screen.
The Value Items Testament will no longer be visible in the Valuables-view.
Testament Workflow
The typical flow for a Value Item Testament follows the same order as the Action Buttons. Meaning that the next Action can be performed only if the previous Action has been performed.
For example...
- If the Testament is currently In to Office (In Kontoret), and you want to perform In to Storage (In Fabriken), you must perform the Action Out of Office (Ut Kontoret) first.
- If User A (Lawyer) performs In to Office (In Kontoret), but User B is the one that does Out of Office (Ut Kontoret), only User B can perform that Action. User A will be unable to perform this Action on behalf of User B.
As part of the Testament Workflow, the following Action Buttons can be performed by the following Users.
In to Office (In Kontoret)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- KTC Users
- Lawyers
Out of Office (Ut Kontoret)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- KTC Users
- Lawyers
In to Storage (In Fabriken)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- Fabriken Users
Recall (Aterkallas)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- KTC Users
Out of Storage (Ut Fabriken)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- Fabriken Users
Return (Avslutat)
Can be performed by the following Users.
- Administrators
- KTC Users
Performing Actions
To perform an Action in a Value Item Testament, go to the Case Card, Valuables-view.
Depending on the current Action (State) of the Value Item Testament, please see below on how to perform each Action.
To skip to the Action you wish to view, click the links below to take you directly to the Action section.
- In to Office (In Kontoret)
- Out of Office (Ut Kontoret)
- In to Storage (In Fabriken)
- Recall (Aterkallas)
- Out of Storage (Ut Fabriken)
- Return (Avslutat)
In to Office (In Kontoret)
When a Lawyer receives the Will from the Client, they will click In to Office (In Kontoret).
Additionally, KTC Users and Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the Lawyer can enter the Date and add a Note (if applicable).
When entering a date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".
For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Once done, click on Perform Action.
It will then look like this with the most recent Action visible in the History section.
If a Note has been added, it will show under Comment, as above.
Out of Office (Ut Kontoret)
When a Lawyer has already received the Will, and has taken it out of the office to store it, they will click Out of Office (Ut Kontoret).
Additionally, KTC Users and Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the Lawyer can enter the Date and add a Note (if applicable).
When entering a date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".
For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Once done, click on Perform Action.
It will then look like this with the most recent Action visible in the History section.
If a Note has been added, it will show under Comment, as above.
In to Storage (In Fabriken)
When a Fabriken User receives the Will from the Lawyer, they will click In to Storage (In Fabriken).
Additionally, Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the Fabriken User can enter the Date and add a Note (if applicable).
When entering a date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".
For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Once done, click on Perform Action.
It will then look like this with the most recent Action visible in the History section.
If a Note has been added, it will show under Comment, as above.
Recall (Aterkallas)
When a KTC User receives a notification from the Client to Recall their Will, they will click Recall (Aterkallas).
Additionally, Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the KTC User can enter the Date, Reason for relocation, and add a Note (if applicable).
When entering a date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".
For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Reason for relocation
There are two possible selections, one must be selected before the Action can be performed.-
Select this in case that the Will requires termination.
Released in case of death
Select this in case of the clients death.
Note: the Reason for relocation will be added as a Note/Comment automatically.
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Once done, click on Perform Action.
It will then look like this with the most recent Action visible in the History section.
If a Note has been added, it will show under Comment, along with the Reason for relocation that was selected, as above.
If no Note has been added, the Reason for relocation will be entered as the comment by default.
Termination Comment
Released in case of death Comment
Out of Storage (Ut Fabriken)
When a Fabriken User receives a request for Recall, when they have taken out the Will out of Storage, they will click Out of Storage (Ut Fabriken).
Additionally, Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the Fabriken User can enter the Date and add a Note (if applicable).
When entering a date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".
For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Once done, click on Perform Action.
It will then look like this with the most recent Action visible in the History section.
If a Note has been added, it will show under Comment, as above.
Return (Avslutat)
When a KTC User receives back the Will from the Fabriken User, they will click Return (Avslutat).
Additionally, Administrators can perform this Action as well.
When doing this, the KTC User can enter the Returned by, Returned date, Returned to (Optional), and Notes (if applicable).
Returned by
Returned date
When entering a Return date, you can only select the days when the Testament was added, up until "today's date".For example, if today's date is 2024-04-20, and the Testament was added on 2024-04-15, then you can select 2024-04-15 up until 2024-04-20. You are unable to select a date in the future, or before the previous Action's Date.
Returned to (Optional)
Here you can enter a note, if applicable.
Deleting Actions
To delete the last Action performed on a Value Item Testament, you must be a User with 'Administrator'-rights.
To delete a Value Item Testament, go to the Case Card, Valuables-view.
Then hover over the last Action performed, a 'X'-icon will be displayed. Click on the 'X'-icon.
In this example, we will delete the latest Action "In to Storage".
You will receive the following confirmation dialogue to confirm the action. Click on Yes, revert.
You will receive a confirmation that it was Deleted Successfully at the top of the screen.
This will be done in real-time, so you can see that the last action was deleted.
As you can see, the latest Action "In to Storage" has now been deleted.
Note: you can only delete the most recent Action (State). If you want to delete multiple, then you must first delete the latest Action first, before deleting the Action before it until you get to the Action you want to have as the latest Action performed.
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