Main Search - Extended Search Parameters
Until now, you have been able to use ":closed" (:avslutat) in the Main Search to search for closed cases. With this release, this has been extended and you can use the following extensions.
- :opponent (:motpart) - to search for opponents.
- :client (:klient) - to search for clients.
- :case (:ärende) - to search for cases.
Support for Tenants Using Their own SMTP Server Configurations
We have added the option to use your own SMTP email server.
This configuration can be done upon request so that Finalized invoices is sent through your domain rather than LEX247 domain.
BisNode Integration Support
We now support the ability to add Client, Opponents and Related Entities to the following sections.
- Create Case Dialogue
- When adding a Client
- When adding an Opponent
- Case Card
- When adding a Client
- When adding an Opponent
- When adding a Related Entity
When entering an entity name, the search is done by an external registry and combines it to the user upon case creation. This is easily identified as these registries from BisNode will be indicated with a "B" icon.
Download Finalized Invoice as PDF
As an Accounting user, when Finalizing an Invoice, you will have the possibility to choose to download the invoice as a PDF file afterwards automatically in the dialogue as an option.
Previously, this was difficult to do after invoice Finalization, having to return to the Invoices-menu, finding the invoice, clicking on Options and then select to download the invoice as PDF. We hope this small change makes lives a little easier.
Invoice Comment List Number Indicator
As an Accounting User or Invoice Approver, when viewing the invoices list, the comments icon will display the number of total comments within the invoice.
Hovering over this icon will allow you to see the count of case, client and invoice comments separated by their individual totals.
This is particularly helpful for Accounting Users to distinguish between comments related to invoicing.
Confidential Case Warning when Activated as a non-Participant
As an Assistant User, when in a Case and activating the Confidential-flag (found in the Case Card, Details-view), the Assistant User will be prompted with a warning asking if they wish to be added as a Participant of the case or risk losing access to the case.
Clicking on 'Yes' will automatically add you as a Participant in the case.
Confidential Cases upon Creation
As a User, you can now set a case or case request as "Confidential" in the create case dialogue.
By default, the created case will not be marked as Confidential, and the button will look like as above.
If you would like to have the case marked Confidential, click on the button and it will look like as above.
Adding Case to an Invoice - Case/Expenses Automatically Included
As an Accounting User, when editing an invoice in the edit invoice-view, when adding a case to be included in the invoice draft, all the time records and expenses are now ticked automatically to be included.
Previously, adding a new case into the invoice you had to manually select the time/expense records yourself as they were not ticked and greyed out.
Select a case to include in the invoice.
The selected cases' time records will be ticked automatically to be included in the invoice.
Person/User Suffix and Acronym Support
You now can add/define acronym and suffix for a User, Client, and Persons in their respective Card-views.
An acronym is typically the initials of the person. While a suffix is typically a title held by the person, such as Ph.D, MD, Sr. or Jr. etc. which appears at the end of the name.
First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name for Persons
Paraghraph Description goes here.
First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name for Person Entities
As a User, you are now able to explicitly set first name, middle name, and last name for any Person; Users, Clients, Opponents etc. To add a middle name, click on the '+' sign.
You can add multiple middles names if applicable.
This update is to support countries with multiple middle names.
Case Card, Added Billing Type "Paused"
Added a new Billing Type "Paused" within the Case Card. This will exclude the case from any invoice generations (bill runs) until this has been changed.
This does not affect Reports, as the Case will appear as "Billable" in all reports and records state.
Moving Time Records on Case Card
As a Case Participant, you are now able to move time records on the Case Card, Time Records-view to another case.
However, as a Case Manager, Client Manager, or Assistant, you can move anyone's time within the Case Card / Admin Time view to a different case.
A new button is visible on the action bar labelled "Move", that is enabled when one or more time records are selected.
When the "Move" button is clicked, a drop down "case selector" will appear where you can either select a case from the drop down or search the case name/number.
Select a case, and to move the select time record(s), click on the "Assign to Case" button in the action bar to move the time records.
This was previously only available on the Main Card.
Advanced Invoices, Apply to a Specific Case Only
As an Accounting user, you can now generate an Advanced Payment invoice to be used for a specific case for the client.
During the Advanced Payment creation on the Client Card, you can select which case to apply the invoice for.
After the advanced invoice has been created, it will display the case number the invoice applies to. Clicking on the case icon will take you directly to the case card.
'Know Your Client'-check Update
As a User, when accepting a Case Request with a Case Type (setup in Control Panel settings per "Activity Type") that requires a 'Know Your Client'-check to be performed, during validation will now check if the check has been performed for all clients. The new checks are as follows.
- If KYC was not performed, dialogue will show a red error "X" with instructions to perform KYC.
- If KYC has been performed, dialogue will show green "checkmark" and text that it has been performed. If the KYC contains comments, it will include the comment in the row.
- If KYC has been performed but with a "Not Pass"-result, dialogue will show a "warning" icon with text that it did not pass and include the text from the KYC.
Last Reported Time on Case/Client Icon in Main Search
In the Main Search, when hovering over a Client icon or a Case icon, you will see a popup that will tell you when the last recorded time record was recorded for the client/case.
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