Here is where you can setup your law firm settings. Everything that is setup here is global so they will apply to things such as rules for time and expense registration and what case and client numbers will be.
When you click into the Law-firm Settings, you will see something that looks as below.
The fields that you can edit and change are as follows:
1. Law firm name
Here is where you would add your law-firms name.
2. VAT identification number
Here is where you would add your law firms VAT identification number.
3. Upload Logo
Here is where you can add your law-firms logo. Just click Upload Logo and search for the image on your computer.
4. H.Q. Country
Here is where you would select the country the headquarters of your law-firm is located.
5. H.Q. Time Zone
Here is where you would select the time zone of your headquarters.
6. Default Language
Here is where you would set the default language for your law-firm. Typically, this would be the native language of the country selected but you can change it to another language of your choice.
7. Default Currency
Here is where you would set the default currency for your law-firm. Typically, this would be the local currency of the country selected..
8. Practice Area is Mandatory
Tick this if you require the practice area to be filled in when creating a case.
A warning text will appear next to the field when it is left empty when attempting to create a case.
9. Display “My Business Unit Cases” section in Main Cases View
Tick this if you want “Business Unit Cases” section to appear in the Main Card, Cases-view.
10. Allow Clients without any Identity Number (VAT, Corp. number or SSN)
Tick this if you allow a client to be made without an identification number. Untick this if you want it to be mandatory.
11. Who can Approve invoices, if no one with ‘Invoice Approval Responsible’-role on Client or Case exists.
Here is where you will choose who will be the responsible for approving invoice concepts.
- Client Managers and Case Managers
Select this if you want both client managers and case managers to be responsible for invoice approval. - Only Case Managers
Select this if you only want case managers to approve invoices for the case. - Only Client Managers
Select this if you only want client managers to approve invoices for the client.
Please note that this Control Panel setting only applies if no User has the 'Invoice Approval Responsible'-tag setup on either the Case-level or Client-level.
12. When report assets use _____ in the report dialog
This is where you will choose how the report asset dialogue will look like. There are two different options.
- Description-first layout
Select this if you want to have the “Description” show up as the first field when reported a time record or expense.
- Classification-first layout
Select this if you want to have the “Select Case” show up as the first field when reporting a time record or expense.
13. Max amount of responsible client managers.
Here you can enter how many client managers can be assigned to a single client. Leaving this at 0 means it can be an infinite amount of client managers.
14. Time Reporting Settings
- Backdating limit
Here you can set amount of time to report a time record. For example, if you put the value of 7 days, users cannot report a time record beyond 7 days in the past. If today is June 7th, they are unable to report time from before June 1st. - Default Activity Type
Here you can select a default activity type to show up when reporting a time record. - Activity Type is Mandatory
Tick this if you require an activity type to be chosen when reporting a time record. - Minimum Time Unit Size
Here you can add a minimum amount of time that you can bill. If you set this as 6 minutes, anything that is recorded under 6 minutes will be rounded up to 6 minutes of time spent.
- Backdating limit
15. Expense Reporting Settings
- Backdating limit
Here you can set amount of time to report an expense record. For example, if you put the value of 7 days, users cannot report a time record beyond 7 days in the past. If today is June 7th, they are unable to report time from before June 1st. - Default Activity Type
Here you can select a default activity type to show up when reporting an expense record. - Activity Type is Mandatory
Tick this if you require an activity type to be chosen when reporting an expense record.
- Backdating limit
16. Number Series
Here you can setup the number series for both cases and clients.
- Client Number Serie (will only take effect on newly Created Clients)
Here you can setup the client’s unique numbering system. You can use the codes to create a unique client number however you want to have it displayed.
To display the possible codes you can use, click on Show code sheet.
- Client Number Serie (will only take effect on newly Created Clients)
- Next Number in Client Serie
Here you can setup what the value for the client’s unique number starts with. For example, you can put this value to start at any value of your choosing.
- Next Number in Client Serie
- Case Number Serie will only take effect on newly Created Cases)
Here you can setup the cases unique numbering system. You can use the codes to create a unique case numbers however you want to have it displayed.
To display the possible codes you can use, click on Show code sheet.
- Case Number Serie will only take effect on newly Created Cases)
- Next Number in Case Serie
Here you can setup what the value for the cases unique number starts with. For example, you can put this value to start at any value of your choosing.
- Next Number in Case Serie
1. Ensure you are a User with 'Administrator'-rights set to gain access to the Control Panel.
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