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Contents of Report
Report Filters
This report shows you a list of all expenses, which are listed by date; oldest to newest.
When this report is generated, it will look as below.
To expand the image, right-click on the image and click on Open image in new tab.
Contents of Report
This report will show the following information.
- Expense Record
- Each expense record will be displayed per line, with the following information.
- Date (Datum)
- Date of which the expense was registered.
- Description (Beskrivning)
- The description is the description used when the time record was recorded.
- User (Medarbetare)
- Lawyers (User) initials.
- Client / Case (Klient / Ärende)
- This will display the Case Number, Client Name, and then Case Name respectively.
- Type (Typ)
- Type is the Activity Type used when the expense was registered.
- Amount (Belopp)
- The amount of which the expense was recorded.
- Ver. No. (Ver. Nr.)
- Ver. No. means Verification Number which will show the Verification Number (if any) when the expense was recorded.
- Status
- The status will show whether the expense is Registered, Approved, Declined, or Billed.
- Inv. Date (Fakt. Datum)
- Inv. Date means Invoiced Date which will show the Invoice Date, the date on which the expense was invoiced.
- Date (Datum)
- Each expense record will be displayed per line, with the following information.
- Total of all Expenses
Report Filters
This report has a set of standard filters that can be used to further refine the report depending on your criteria. Report filters use the 'and' function, meaning the data that is generated in the report comes back as all true for every selected filter. If the report is empty, try reducing the number of filters selected.
Following filters are available for this specific report.
Period Type (Created or Invoiced)
Period Type is the “date” you wish to select based on whether you want to generate assets on when they were either registered (Performed) or billed (Invoiced).
- Performed Date (Utfört datum)
Selecting this will display assets of when they were registered/performed in the selected period. - Invoiced Date (Fakturerat datum)
Selecting this will display assets of when they were billed/invoiced in the selected period.
Period Created (Period Skapad)
By default, it will be pre-selected for the ‘Last 30 days’.
Period Created, will generate assets that have been created or invoiced (depending on the Period Type you have selected) within the selected period.
Billing Unit (Resultatenhet)
Billing Unit filter allows you to select a specific billing unit to generate assets for. Being able to select another billing unit will require you to have the 'Access to all Billing Units'-right set in the Control Panel.
If you do not have the right, this will show the billing unit you belong to. The report will then generate assets that belong to your billing unit.
If you have the right, you can select (if any) other billings units if you wish. Selecting a billing unit will generate assets that belong to that billing unit.
Clients (Klienter)
Client filter allows you to select one or more clients to generate assets/data from the drop-down menu. You can search for the client name or number in the field.
The report will generate assets/data based on the client(s) selected. If nothing is selected, then all clients will be included in the report.
Cases (Ärenden)
Cases filter allows you to select one or more cases to generate assets/data. You can enter the case name or case number in the field and select the case as it appears in the drop-down menu. You can also enter the client name which will then bring a drop-down selection of all cases related to the client.
The report will generate assets/data based on the cases selected. If nothing is selected, then all cases will be included in the report.
Activity Type (Aktivitetstyp)
Activity Type filter allows you to select one or more activity types from the drop-down menu or write in the text box for the specific activity type you wish to select. If nothing is selected, then all activity types will be included.
The report will generate assets/data based on the activity type(s) selected. If nothing is selected, then all activity types will be included in the report.
Time Keeper (Medarbetare)
A time keeper is any User who has reported time.
Time keeper filter allows you to select one or more time keepers (Users) from the drop-down menu or write in the text box for the time keeper (User) you wish to select. If nothing is selected, then all time keepers (Users) will be included.
The report will generate assets/data based on the time keeper(s) selected. If nothing is selected, then all time keepers will be included in the report.
Expense Status (Utläggsstatus)
Expense status for expense records is the 'status' that they are in. If nothing is selected, then all expense statuses except 'Declined' & 'Deleted' will be included.
- Registered (Registrerat)
Select this to display all expense records that are in 'Registered' state. - Approved (Godkänt)
Select this to display all expense records that are in 'Approved' state. - Declined (Nekat)
Select this to display all expense records that are in 'Declined' state. - Billed (Fakturerat)
Select this to display all expense records that have been billed (Finalized invoice). - Deleted* (Borttaget)
Select this to display all expenses that are in 'Deleted' state. This status has a special handling where it is never included in the report by default; it has to be explicitly selected to be included in the report.
- Unbilled (Ofakt)
Select this to display all the expense records in the states before they are billed. This will select the following three expense record states.
- Unbilled (Ofakt)
- Registered (Registrerat)
- Approved (Godkänt)
- Declined (Nekat)
Is Billable (Är faktureringsbar)
Is Billable filter is where you can select whether to display assets that have been billed or not.
- Yes (Ja)
By default, this will be selected. This will show only assets that have been billed (in a Finalized invoice). - No (Nej)
This will show only assets that have not been billed yet, this includes assets within draft invoices (invoices that have not been Finalized).
Outgoing VAT (Utgående moms)
Outgoing VAT filter allows you to select whether to display expenses with VAT, without VAT, or both.
- All (Alla)
This is selected by default. This will show all expenses that have VAT and without VAT. - Vat Included (Momsbelagt)
Select this to only display expenses with VAT. - Exempted (Momsfri)
Select this to only display expenses with VAT exempted.
Show additional parameters... (Visa fler filter...)
This will expand the Filters tab to display more report filters that you can use.
For more information on all available report filters, click here.
1. You will only have access to this report if you are a User with 'Reporting'-rights.
2. The report will not include, by default, 'Declined' & 'Deleted' expense status for expenses. If you wish to see data for expenses with either of these states or both, they must be explicitly selected in the filter.
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