To create an Advance Payment Invoice, head over to the Client Card, Details-view, under the Advance Payments section.
Click on the Create Advance Payment Invoice button.
The following dialogue will appear as below.
Fill in the relevant information as required.
1. Amount
Here enter the amount you wish to bill the client for. This amount will be excluding VAT.
2. Currency
Select the currency you wish to bill in. This will be by default the default currency of the client.
3. Invoice Date
Select an invoice date. This will be default be today's date.
4. Due Days
Here you can select the amount of due days. This will be by default the default due days setup in the Billing Unit settings in Control Panel.
5. Description text on Invoice
Here is where you can type in the text box to describe the Invoice.
If you put nothing, then it will default with the following text, "Advanced payment for legal services to be rendered."
6. Invoice Profile
By default, the default invoice profile for the Billing Unit will be selected but you can change this if required.
7. Invoice Template
By default, the default Invoice Template for the Billing Unit will be selected but you can change this if required.
8. Case (Optional)
Here is where you can select a Case for the advance payment to be used in the next invoice.
9. Allow user for expenses
Tick in a box in case you want to use the advance payment for expenses in the next invoice.
10. Use whole amount on next invoice
Tick in a box in case you want to use the whole available amount on the next invoice.
Once you are done filling in the relevant information as required, click on the Create Invoice button.
After clicking on the Create Invoice button, wait for a few seconds and do not refresh the page until the animation disappears.
When the process is done, the newly created Advance Payment invoice and the net amount will appear under the Advance Payments section as below.
Before the advance payment invoice is able to be used in any invoices, click on the Paid button that appears at the right corner.
Click on OK button, and you are done!
The available advance payment invoice will appear under the Advance Payments section as below.
1. This is an add-on feature. Please contact your sales representative for more information.
2. If you already have an Accounting Integration setup, please email support on which account you wish to book advanced payment invoices to.
3. If you select a case for the Advanced Payment, when generating invoices, only invoices with the specific case will be able to use the advanced payment for the deduction.
However, you can override this by manually adding any remaining advanced payment balance on any draft invoices for the client by going under the Adjustments section when editing an invoice.
4. The Advance Payment invoice will also show up in Invoices-view as well.
5. Ensure that you are either a Client Manager, or a User with 'Accounting'-right setup to be able to create an Advance Payment Invoice.
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