An invoice comment can be created or added to invoices at any state. Once created, the invoice comment will appear in the invoice change log but not in the PDF file.
You can add an invoice comment in the Invoices-view on the following Cards, where the functionality is identical:
- Main Card
- Case Card
- Client Card
- Payer Card
In this article, we will add an invoice comment on the Main Card.
To add an invoice comment on the Main Card, head over to the Invoices-view, and click on the invoice to open it.
Click the Comments button.
The following dialog will then appear, click the text area field and enter the comment.
Then click the Comment button and you are done.
The invoice comment will appear as below.
You also have the option to convert a note into an invoice comment by adding the #Billing hashtag to the note. The colors of the notes correspond to their origin, such as the green color for notes made on the Client Card, and purple for those on the Case Card.
For more information about adding a note, click here.
1. Users without invoice access can only view the invoice comment.
2. Once an invoice comment is made, it cannot be deleted unless the invoice is resolved.
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