To add or remove a condition of an existing price list, head over to the Control Panel, under the Billing section, and click on Manage Price Lists.
The list of existing price lists will appear, click the 'Pencil'-icon.
You can perform the following actions:
1. Adding a price list condition
In either a rule or a filter, click the 'Plus'-icon.
To learn more about adding a price list rule, click here.
To learn more about adding a price list filter, click here.
After adding a price list condition, click the Save button, and you are done.
2. Removing a price list condition
To remove a price list condition, click the condition you want.
Select <Unspecified> once it appears on the list.
Click the Save button, and you are done.
Once you open the price list again, the <unspecified> condition will be removed as below.
1. Ensure that you are a User with 'Administrator'-rights set up to be able to access Control Panel.
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