To create a new client contact, head over to the Client Card, Contacts-view, under the Client Contacts section.
Click on the Add Contacts... button.
The following dialogue will appear.
Click on Create New Person Entity... to continue.
The following dialogue will appear.
Here you can enter the following information as necessary.
1. First and Last Name
This field is mandatory
Enter the first and last name of the client contact.
You can also enter a Middle Names as well. The system will separate each name into its own middle name field when the entity is created.
If you would like to add a Last Name Prefix, please read our article below.
How to Add a Last Name Prefix
2. Social Security Number
Enter the social security number associated with the client contact.
3. Type of Address
Select the type of address you are about to enter.
4. Address
Enter the address of the client contact.
You do not need to enter the country in the address. Country is selected in the field below.
5. Country
Select the country. This is typically the same as the country as seen in the address.
6. Mobile Phone
Enter the contact number of the client contact.
7. Work Phone
Enter the work number of the client contact.
8. E-mail
Enter the email of the client contact.
Once you are done filling in the information, click on the Create Entity button.
You will be brought back to the previous dialogue.
To finish off creating the client contact, you will need to define the role of the client contact by typing in the field to create a new role or clicking on the Select Role... field to select from existing roles in the system.
After selecting the role for the new client contact, click on the Add Client Contact button.
The newly created client contact will appear under the Client Contacts section as below.
1. Ensure that you are either a Client Manager, a Case Manager, a User with 'Assistant'-role or 'Administrator'-rights to be able to create a new client contact.
2. Client contact can also be used as an Invoice Reference for any Payers who provide payment for services for the client.
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