Users can now save any report they have access to. When saving a report, you can select a set of filters that can also be saved so they are pre-selected the next time you open the report.
To create and save a report, head over to the Main Card, Reports-view, and click on any report you want to work on.
Once the report is open, first, you can select any filters you wish to have first.
After your filters have been selected, click on the Save button ('Floppy Disk'-icon).
The following dialogue will appear.
Here, you can fill in the following information:
1. Name
This field is mandatory
Enter a name for your report.
2. Group Name
This field is mandatory
Group names are the report groups you see inside the Reports Card. You can select from the below groups.
- Billing Reports
- General Reports
- Custom Reports
- My Reports
3. Description
You can enter a description of what the report consists of. This description will display under the report name in the Reports Card.
4. Period
Select the Period you want to generate the report and get the data.
- Selected Period
- Week
- Month
- Year
- Quarters
After selecting the Period, you also have to define the Period range (below).
5. Period range
Here is where you can specify the period the report should be taken out for. Most of the selections here are dynamic, so you only need to create a single report for a specific purpose, such as monthly reports.
- Selected Period
Here you can select a static date. - Week
Here you can select how many week(s) ago you want to generate the report and get the data. This is dynamic. The selections you can make are as follows.-
- This week
- Last week
- X weeks ago
- Month
Here you can select how many month(s) ago you want to generate the report and get the data. This is dynamic. The selections you can make are as follows.
- This month
- Last month
- X months ago
- Year
Here you can select how many year(s) ago you want to generate the report and get the data. This is dynamic. The selections you can make are as follows.
- This year
- Last year
- X years ago
- Quarter
Here you can specify how many year(s) ago you want to generate the report and get the data for that quarter. This is dynamic. The selections you can make are as follows.
- This Year
- Last Year
- X Years Ago
6. Report available for entities
This field is mandatory
You can select who to share the report with by choosing an option under Report available for entities. The options available will depend on whether or not you have the 'Reporting'-right; the options are as follows.
- With 'Reporting'-right
- Only me
- Shared with Users...
- Shared with Business Units / Users...
- Everyone
- Without 'Reporting'-right
- Only me
- Shared with Users...
For more information on how to share a report, click here.
Once you are done filling in the required information, click on the Save button.
Please see Notes: (5) for more information on Saving reports with identical names etc.
After saving, the report will be displayed under the selected Group Name.
Once the report is shared, the User that it is shared with can then select whatever period/filters they wish to use.
1. All Users have the ability to Save reports.
2. If you are a User who is not a Client or Case Manager and do not have the 'Reporting'-right, you will only have access to Personal Reports.
3. If you are a User who is a Client or Case Manager and do not have the 'Reporting'-right, you will have access to All Standard Reports.
4. If you are a User with 'Reporting'-right, you will have access to All Standard and Custom Reports.
5. When Saving a report, there are three conditions the system will take into consideration, if all are unique, you are able to save the report without an error message.
- The User who saved the report.
- Group Name.
- Report Name.
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